Classroom PBIS

Students and educators spend the majority of their school time inside classrooms, which makes classrooms a critical context for their success. Across decades, researchers have demonstrated that implementing positive and proactive classroom practices contributes to a positive learning environment, enhanced educator wellness, and student social-emotional-behavioral (SEB) growth. Plus, when classroom PBIS practices are implemented within a school-wide PBIS framework, schools are more likely to sustain their PBIS implementation. Educators who center their classroom PBIS practices, systems, and data in equity are better able to support their students through a continuum of SEB needs.

What is Classroom PBIS?

 You might know classroom PBIS as positive classroom behavior support, positive and proactive classroom management, or by some other similar sounding name. Regardless of what it is called, classroom PBIS refers to educators utilizing evidence-based practices to establish predictable, positive, effective, and equitable teaching and learning environments where all students can receive the level of support (Tier 1: universal, Tier 2: targeted, or Tier 3:individualized) they need to experience positive SEB and academic outcomes. Systems are developed to support the educator’s implementation and use of data to inform decision-making about their students’ academic and SEB support needs. Educators implementing classroom PBIS focus on preventative strategies to maximize the efficiency of resources and promote a classroom climate where students experience a sense of belonging, connection, and value.

Why Address Classroom PBIS?

Prioritizing both students’ SEB and academic growth is critical to students and the educators who work with them.

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Resources in this section include assessments, blueprints, examples, and materials to aid in implementing PBIS.


Publications listed below include every eBook, monograph, brief, and guide written by the PBIS Technical Assistance Center.


Presentations about their experiences, published research, and best practices from recent sessions, webinars, and trainings


Recordings here include keynotes and presentations about PBIS concepts as well tips for implementation.