These Community of Practice virtual events, continuing from our 2022 series, are to share and learn from other trainers and coaches who are centering equity in their PBIS frameworks. The format is 25-30 minutes of content, then about 20 minutes of application discussion as a large group, and the remainder of our time consists of smaller breakouts.
Date: 5/9/23
Time: 3:30-4:45 Central Time (US and Canada)
Focus: How to talk about equity when it’s a forbidden word
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Date: 8/1/23
Time: 3:30-4:45 Central Time (US and Canada)
Focus: When PBIS Can Harm
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Date: 10/26/23
Focus: Attend the equity strand and come to the Facilitated Discussion at the National PBIS Conference
Program Plan Available Here
Date: Postponed until 2/6/2024 (Used to be 11/14/23)
Time: 3:30-4:45 Central Time (US and Canada)
Focus: Speaking Up to Bias! Creating Equitable PBIS Systems
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Date: April 8, 2024
Time: 3:30-4:45 Central Time (US and Canada)
Focus: Discussing Anti-Racism and PBIS
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