In October 2014, in OESE awarded the first round of SCTGs to 12 SEAs and 71 LEAs. In September 2018, OESE funded a second round of 14 SEAs (5 of the 14 SEAs also received a SCTG in 2014). In October 2019, OESE funded a second round of 69 unique LEAs. The Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS), within OESE, provides oversight for the SEAs (Amy Banks) and LEAs (Carlette KyserPegram & Nicole White) awarded SCTGs.
The Center on PBIS provides a full range of TA resources to any school, district, or state that is interested in developing leadership team implementation capacity and establishing a MTSS framework to support implementation of evidence-based practices. The Center on PBIS also provides unique TA opportunities to LEAs and SEAs awarded SCTGs. All TA provided by the Center on PBIS emphasizes development of local capacity so that schools, LEAs, and SEAs have access to local personnel with the expertise to guide and sustain implementation of PBIS with fidelity and impact. LEAs and SEAs are encouraged to take advantage of local in-state supports and on-going partnerships with Center on PBIS Partners and State Coordinators. The SCTG Coordinator for the Center on PBIS is Jennifer Freeman.
SCTG Webinars
This SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about equitable implementation, screening, recognition systems, and culturally responsive practices.
Presentations and files for the October 25, 2023 Office of Safe and Supportive Schools SCTG Project Directors Meeting.
Presentations and files for the October 26, 2022 Office of Safe and Supportive Schools SCTG Project Directors Meeting.
This session will describe strategies, resources, and tools that state leaders can use to align their efforts to support districts and schools with their social-emotional-behavioral initiatives. Learn how School Climate Transformation Grantees have leveraged their projects along with related projects, funding sources, and policies to build capacity at the state level to support PBIS and an Interconnected Systems Framework.
In this video we will explore possibilities for building shared capacity of individuals within an organization to utilize best coaching practices as a way of work.
Recording of a presentation given on Day 2 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 24, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 2 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 24, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 2 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 24, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 2 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 24, 2022).
Recording of presentations given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Recording of a presentation given on Day 1 of the OSSS SCTG Project Directors Meeting (February 23, 2022).
Schools can play an important role in the prevention and mitigation of alcohol and drug use among youth. This session will describe how to leverage the core features of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to address substance misuse and the opioid crisis. Resources, tools, and evidence-based approaches will be presented.
Presentations and files for the February 24, 2022 Office of Safe and Supportive Schools SCTG Project Directors Meeting.
While many School Climate Transformation Grants (SCTG) have proposed similar events, the scope and sequence of those approved grant activities have varied across states. Learn how some SEA grantees have developed their state-wide model of implementation and be prepared to discuss your lessons learned to date. This conversation is an opportunity for SEAs to collectively engage in deeper conversation on implementing SCTG goals within and across state systems.
Systems are critical to successful initial and sustained implementation of advanced tiers of support. This session will provide examples of teaming structures, data systems and decision rules, district supports, and professional development strategies that have supported schools’ and districts’ development of advanced tiers.
An essential component of universal positive behavior supports is ensuring classroom teachers are implementing key instructional and management strategies with fidelity and intensity to match student risk. We will provide an overview of key classroom strategies, how to design and implement systemic supports to promote high implementation fidelity, and a range of examples of professional development and on-gong coaching at the school and district level.
Acknowledging students for showing positive behaviors is a powerful core practice of PBIS. But do we do it equitably across student groups, and are our systems culturally responsive? The presenters will share strategies for making acknowledgment systems more equitable.
As we move into the third academic year affected by the pandemic, state level programs have utilized a multi-tiered framework to develop educational systems that are successfully responding to need. This webinar will discuss critical MTSS components and provide examples of state MTSS approaches to develop local implementation support capacity within our current context.
Teaming is a core feature of a Multi-Tiered System of Support. Participants will learn strategies of effective teaming, including roles, functions, and team membership to improve their processes and results. Examples and resources will be shared to promote expanded teams with student, family, and community partner participation and voice.
The 2021-2022 SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about equitable implementation practices, discuss support at advanced tiers, and provide strategies for effective teaming. Webinar dates, topic descriptions, and access links are available on our Announcements page.
Despite the challenges of implementing PBIS in high schools, we know that it leads to improved outcomes for secondary students. In this session, we will review the rationale for and the critical features of PBIS at the high school level and share suggestions for improving training, coaching, and technical assistance for high schools. Further, improving student behavior is important but not sufficient at the high school level. It is essential that we prepare students adequately for College or Career. In this session, we will discuss strategies for integrating academic and behavior supports to ensure that the knowledge, skills, and habits students need to be successful after high school are consistently taught and reinforced across all school settings.
The success of PBIS in typical school settings has led to PBIS implementation in alternative settings, including disciplinary alternative day schools, residential mental health programs, and juvenile justice programs. In this webinar, we will describe important considerations for planning and implementation in these settings, and how to manage possible challenges that may be encountered during planning and implementation. In addition, we will encourage state and district PBIS teams to include the full range of educational settings in PBIS plans and activities.
Schools across the country are tasked with installing multiple initiatives to address the social-emotional-behavioral (SEB) needs of their students. These initiatives include, but are not limited to, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed care, restorative practices, school safety, and suicide prevention. This session will provide an overview of how to align and integrate initiatives, such as those mentioned above. Examples, tools, and resources will be shared, specifically to address restorative practices and SEL.
Rural settings have a variety of unique challenges that can make accessibility to resources challenging but also have strengths that can be utilized. Learning environments that support the social, emotional and behavioral needs for all students and adults have been shown to positively impact outcomes regardless of setting. Multi-tiered behavioral frameworks, such as PBIS, have been successfully implemented in rural schools, helping to promote a positive school climate and better student outcomes. This webinar will review some of the lessons learned in implementing PBIS in rural settings, explore strengths, and describe the adaptations needed for improved PBIS implementation.
Many schools are implementing PBIS in efforts to reduce racial disproportionality in school discipline. Research shows that schools implementing PBIS with fidelity have more equitable school discipline, but eliminating disproportionality will likely require a specific equity focus. The presenter will share specific strategies and free Center resources for enhancing the cultural responsiveness of PBIS systems.
State Advisory teams can inform best practice at the state and district level by bringing together important constituencies and perspectives for planning and problem-solving. This presentation will share examples of PBIS/MTSS state advisory teams that have supported growth and implementation of efforts across a state and have effectively addressed barriers and needs.
Using key features of a MTSS, we will describe ways to organize, align, and allocate resources to cultivate a culture of health and wellness for all.
This SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about PBIS implementation, discuss methods for alignment with SEL practices, and provide strategies for cultivating cultural wellness. Webinar dates, topic descriptions, and access links are available on our Announcements page.
This webinar focuses on habits of effective classroom practice and addresses four key questions: (1) How do we develop habits?(2) How can we build habits of effective practice in classrooms?(3) How do we scale-up effective habits in our schools, districts, and states?(4) What resources can we use to enhance habits of effective practice? Be sure to check out the related practice brief.
In this webinar, Kathleen Lane (1) introduces Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tiered (Ci3T) Models of Prevention, (2) describes the role of screening - using screening data to shape instruction, and (3) offers considerations for screening PK-12 in the COVID-19 Era.
Presentations and files for the October 6, 2020 Office of Safe & Supportive Schools SCTG Project Directors Meeting
Details on completing and submitting your year 2 SCTG-SEA interim performance report (IPR) & GPRA clarifications.
We highlight resources to support educators & students during the pandemic & discuss how to adapt systems of behavior support for distance, hybrid, & return to campus scenarios.
In this issue of SCTG News, we discuss and provide resources to support and enhance family and community engagement.
Newsletter for SCTG LEAs focused on roles and functions of leadership teams.
This presentation is intended to assist the FY2019 SCTG-LEA grantees better understanding what is expected of their year one Interim Performance Report (IPR) and how to submit it.
This SCTG Newsletter focuses on resources for Increasing equity of PBIS through cultural responsiveness.
Newsletter for SCTG LEAs focused on designing evaluation plans and reports.
In this issue of SCTG News, we discuss and provide resources related to increasing equity.
LEA-SCTG Presentation
Opening Remarks and SEA-SCTG Presentation
A brief update to review how LEA and SEA sites can take advantage of information and resources found at the website
Check out these samples, case studies and lesson plans and use them as a springboard to improve your own implementation
Learn MoreResources in this section include journal articles, templates, practice descriptions, fact sheets, and much more.
Learn MorePresentations about their experiences, published research, and best practices from recent sessions, webinars, and trainings
Learn MorePublications listed below include every eBook, monograph, brief, and guide written by the PBIS Technical Assistance Center.
Learn MoreRecordings here include keynotes and presentations about PBIS concepts as well tips for implementation.
Learn MorePublications listed below include every eBook, monograph, brief, and guide written by the PBIS Technical Assistance Center.
Learn MoreRecordings here include keynotes and presentations about PBIS concepts as well tips for implementation.
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