This SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about equitable implementation, screening, recognition systems, and culturally responsive practices. For upcoming webinars, click the presentation's title to register for the webinar. For past webinars, click "Watch Video" to view a recording of the webinar.
Date: 9/29
Title: Transitioning Back to School: Focus on Wellness
Description: This webinar covers transitioning back to school by defining the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) for creating a culture of social, emotional, and behavioral wellness at the State, District, and School levels.
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Date: 11/09
Title: Reducing Exclusionary Practice
Description: This webinar will cover disrupting school to prison pipeline, reducing disproportionate use of suspensions, and embedding restorative practices within a MTSS framework.
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Date: 12/14
Title: Culturally Responsive Systems
Description: This webinar will cover implementation in indigenous communities, culture as prevention, coaching for cultural, and linguistic competency.
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Date: 1/11
Title: District Implementation
Description: This webinar will cover integration with school improvement planning process and district-wide PBIS Training (including the DSFI but not limited to the DSFI).
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Date: 2/08
Time: 8 am PT / 11 am ET
Title: Opioid and Drug Use Prevention
Description: This webinar will cover opioid prevention training and opportunities to systemically consider opioid substances abuse prevention within a MTSS approach.
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Date: 3/08
Time: 8 am PT / 11 am ET
Title: Building and Maintaining Buy-in
Description: This webinar will cover handling nay-sayers of SEL and securing buy in from all staff for MTSS.
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Date: 4/12
Time: 10 am PT / 1 pm ET
Title: APR for SCTG LEAs
Description: The Office of Safe and Supportive Schools will host this webinar to provide additional information related to this Annual Performance Report (APR), report expectations, and how to submit. This meeting is not required, but highly recommended as we want to make sure all grantees are successful in completing and submitting this year’s APR.
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Date: 4/12
Time: 8 am PT / 11 am ET
Title: Screening and EWS
Description: This webinar will cover early warning systems.
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Date: 5/10
Time: 8 am PT / 11 am ET
Title: Effective Recognition Systems
Description: This webinar will cover PBIS recognition to focus on student outcomes.
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Date: 6/14
Time: 8 am PT / 11 am ET
Title: Classroom Systems
Description: How are we designing classroom systems of support to implement all the things a school ask a teacher to do?
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