There are a handful of reasons you visit the website for the National Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
The best way to use the site was through the search tool. You typed the topic name in that little white bar, scanned the search results, found something you could use, and you moved on. It’s not an uncommon experience on this website or any other.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, we knew we could do better. We wanted to keep all of the parts about the previous site that worked well, and to find new, more effective ways to do the rest.
Today, we launch a brand new homepage for the PBIS Technical Assistance Center. Here is what you can expect.
We had to maintain a search function on the website; there is too much information not to give you a way to search for what you need. We simply made that search better. Whenever you search the site, the results display:
The layout makes it easy to scroll through the results and find exactly what you were looking for before you download the resource.
Twenty years of keynotes, session presentations, documentation, and real-world experience generates a lot of resources – more than 1,400 resources. Wading through these resources to find the most current, relevant, useful ones would take quite a bit of time. That’s why we did it for you. We whittled the list down to the best 200 resources we thought schools needed to have. These are the manuals, assessments, tools, and briefs with the helpful tips and tricks to use in your implementation right away. When you search for a specific term, all of the results display in order of most relevant to least.
If there was a resource you need and you can’t find it here anymore, let us know. We saved them all and are happy to add back the one you need.
Certain topics generate a lot of discussion. These topics are session strands at most conferences, the webinars you sign up for every year, and the journal articles researchers write. Why not put all that content in the same place? We now have a menu called Topics. Each topic area contains:
Organizing content this way makes searching for information so much faster. At the bottom of every topic page are links to the examples, materials, presentations, publications, and videos centered on that area of PBIS.
No matter your implementation level, this website has content for you. As long-term practitioners, it’s easy to take for granted how much we understand about PBIS fundamentals. Instead of keeping that information to ourselves, we’re sharing it here. Under the PBIS menu, you’ll find descriptions for multi-tiered systems of support, every triangle tier, and most importantly, how to get started implementing PBIS from the ground-level. On top of that, every topic includes information about how to start addressing those issues in your setting.
We’re excited about the possibilities afforded by this redesign. We’ll continue to add new content and resources throughout the year. Keep checking back and let us know how things work for you. We hope this becomes your go-to website for everything related to PBIS and your implementation.