The purpose of this brief is to review the latest randomized controlled trial (RCT) examining effects of positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), an example of a multi-tiered system of support for behavior (MTSS-B), on a range of student outcomes. The study explored one approach to implementing PBIS and focused on students’ behavioral and academic outcomes. Although it did not identify positive behavioral and academic effects for all students, students with the most behavior needs saw improved reading scores and decreased rates of disruptive behavior. Other important outcomes, including those related to classroom management and school climate, also saw some improvements. We share findings and key takeaways from this new study, in the context of the broader research literature, to guide local educational agency (LEAs) and state educational agencies (SEAs) in their use of MTSS to improve student outcomes.
McIntosh, K., Herman, K., Bradshaw, C., & Simonsen, B. (2023). IES MTSS-B trial: Key takeaways for district and state leaders. Center on PBIS, University of Oregon.