SCTG Webinar Series (2021-2022)

November 1, 2021

This SCTG webinar series includes topics that will educate viewers about equitable implementation practices, discuss support at advanced tiers, and provide strategies for effective teaming. For upcoming webinars, click the presentation's title to register for the webinar. For past webinars, click "Watch Video" to view a recording of the webinar.


Date: 11/10
Effective Teaming for Improved Results
Description: Teaming is a core feature of a Multi-Tiered System of Support. Participants will learn strategies of effective teaming, including roles, functions, and team membership to improve their processes and results. Examples and resources will be shared to promote expanded teams with student, family, and community partner participation and voice.
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Date: 11/17
State use of MTSS to Organize an Effective Pandemic Response
Description: As we move into the third academic year affected by the pandemic, state level programs have utilized a multi-tiered framework to develop educational systems that are successfully responding to need. This webinar will discuss critical MTSS components and provide examples of state MTSS approaches to develop local implementation support capacity within our current context.
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Date: 12/8
Equitable Classroom Acknowledgment Systems
Acknowledging students for showing positive behaviors is a powerful core practice of PBIS. But do we do it equitably across student groups, and are our systems culturally responsive? The presenters will share strategies for making acknowledgment systems more equitable.
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Date: 1/12
Title: Implementing District-wide Classroom Supports through Brief Professional Development and Coaching
Description: An essential component of universal positive behavior supports is ensuring classroom teachers are implementing key instructional and management strategies with fidelity and intensity to match student risk. We will provide an overview of key classroom strategies, how to design and implement systemic supports to promote high implementation fidelity, and a range of examples of professional development and on-gong coaching at the school and district level.
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Date: 2/9
Title: Systems for Implementing Advanced Tiers in Secondary Schools
Description: Systems are critical to successful initial and sustained implementation of advanced tiers of support. This session will provide examples of teaming structures, data systems and decision rules, district supports, and professional development strategies that have supported schools’ and districts’ development of advanced tiers.
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Date: 2/16
Title: Models of State-wide Implementation and Lessons Learned Across Grantees
Description: While many School Climate Transformation Grants (SCTG) have proposed similar events, the scope and sequence of those approved grant activities have varied across states. Learn how some SEA grantees have developed their state-wide model of implementation and be prepared to discuss your lessons learned to date. This conversation is an opportunity for SEAs to collectively engage in deeper conversation on implementing SCTG goals within and across state systems.
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Date: 3/9
Title: Prevention and Mitigation of Alcohol and Drug Use within a MTSS Framework
Description: Schools can play an important role in the prevention and mitigation of alcohol and drug use among youth. This session will describe how to leverage the core features of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to address substance misuse and the opioid crisis. Resources, tools, and evidence-based approaches will be presented.
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Date: 4/6
Title: Moving to a Culture of Coaching as part of our Way of Work
Description: We will explore possibilities for building shared capacity of individuals within an organization to utilize best coaching practices as a way of work.
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Date: 5/11
Time: 11:00 EDT
Title: Aligning Social-Emotional-Behavioral Supports into a Single System of Delivery at Advanced Tiers
Description: Meeting the social-emotional-behavioral needs of every student can be challenging within schools. This session will describe how to leverage the core features of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to align and integrate initiatives and practices. Participants will learn how to examine their current efforts with an eye towards alignment. Resources, tools, and examples will be shared.

Date: 5/18
Title: Alignment and Integration of Social-Emotional-Behavioral Initiatives at the State Level
Description: This session will describe strategies, resources, and tools that state leaders can use to align their efforts to support districts and schools with their social-emotional-behavioral initiatives. Learn how School Climate Transformation Grantees have leveraged their projects along with related projects, funding sources, and policies to build capacity at the state level to support PBIS and an Interconnected Systems Framework.
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Date: 6/8
Time: 11:00 EDT
Title: Planning for Sustainability
Description: Sustaining PBIS systems with high fidelity of implementation is an important but elusive goal. This session will identify and describe the strategies that research shows are most likely to maximize implementation and sustainability of PBIS at all three tiers.